The Full Measure Contacts

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// Address

P.O.Box 74 351
Greenlane 1546
New Zealand

// Phone

(09) 833 5999

// Fax

(09) 833 5999

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What TFM does

The first step in any alteration work is to obtain an accurate set of measured drawings. These may be available from Council files, but more often than not, they are either incomplete, not up to date, inaccurate, and sometimes just non-existent!


Even if a good set of drawings is available these may not be of digital format, or not “as built” as often modifications are made during the construction phase and the original drawings not changed accordingly. This is where a need for an accurate set of plans is required and what The Full Measure can provide you with.


My job is spent partly on site, thoroughly measuring every area and recording all measurements on a hand drawn sketch. The remainder of the time is spent producing (drawing) the digital plans.


When measuring on site full access to the dwelling is required (both interior and exterior) as every area is thoroughly measured using accurate digital instruments. All roof pitches are measured using a digital level, to provide extreme accuracy in the final drawings. I use a laser meter to take most larger measurements as this is the most accurate and least time consuming way of measuring, as well as being the least intrusive. Photos are also taken as these are always helpful when drawing up the plans, and also helpful to the architect.


Hand DrawingSite Measure